Monday, May 5, 2014

We are Not Hefker

Last week I sat disgusted and yet morbidly transfixed as I watched a video by Natalie Cohen Waxman of her "Holocaust" play, as she mocked the State of Israel and its Jewish citizens at the Holocaust Memorial, next to the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto at Yad Vashem.

It is ironic that Natalie chose the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial for her tirade. If people recall history, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the last gasp of dying breath from a community with a rich and vibrant Jewish history until the day the Nazis marched in and corralled them all into a slum. The Uprising, to this day, remains a "great" moment in the Jewish history of standing against tyrants, along with Masada.

While I agree with Natalie that the Holocaust should be dismissed, I do not at all hold that it is for the same reasons as the peon of the far-left camp.

It can be summed up in one sentence "Eleh she be kol dor v'dor omdim aleinu l'chaloteinu, ve hakadosh baruch hu matzelainu me yadam." In every generation, enemies rise to (utterly) destroy us and  the Almighty saves us from their hands.

Our generation has begun showing a disconnect - we no longer understand the Holocaust as an important event when it is separated from the whole of Jewish history. And how could we? We, who have grown up in America in comfortable suburban middle class homes, and we who have grown up in luxurious Kfar Shmeryahu and been exempted from the army, and we who have grown up on lush kibbutzim in the middle of past wastelands now littered with flourishing orange orchards. We simply have no point of reference any longer to understand the Holocaust as a singular event. It has faded into our history and now lies next to the Inquisition for all posterity. That doesn't make it less horrible, horrid, or tragic. It just means our cultural references have changed. For us, the Holocaust has been replaced with the tragedy of Arab terror, and for us, Arab terror has become the new Jewish tragedy.  And the real tragedy for us, is that our own government seems to be a bunch of kapos, cooperating with the terrorists.

I write these words knowing that many people will be angered and incensed by them, and I beg no pardon. Instead, I beg that the Prime Minister should ask the forgiveness of Sheli Dadon's father who has suffered the latest tragedy in our midst, as his daughter has been buried for less than a week.

As for Waxman's assertions that the IDF imitates the Nazis in its treatment of the Arabs, I say, were that true, we wouldn't have need to worry about random terrorist attacks and our teenage daughters being murdered and their bodies dumped into vacated parking lots. The Arabs of the PA and Israeli Arabs walk pretty much unchecked around our country, freely. They drive cars, attend work and schools and go shopping. There aren't any Jewish stores that have a policy sign hung outside the door dismissing Arab customers. Our public toilets are open for all. There is no apartheid here, only the division of natural social groups.

Were Waxman's accusations true, we would need to worry far less for our children when we send them out to school in the morning.That Waxman can even march into one of our country's most expensive and precious memorials and crack her crude, insensitive jokes and film it is a testimony to the fallacious contents of her accusations.

I would instead venture to argue an insane alternative, though one that looks entirely plausible for those of us prone to believe conspiracy theory.

The Government of Israel no longer believes in the Zionist dream, and after years of being called Nazis, it has thrown in the towel and is planning to spontaneously combust. Indeed, they have most likely chosen a date for the peace process to end, and end it will. Either when the fury of the ordinary citizen explodes in a treasonous rage and coup of the sitting goverment after we have become utterly fed up and terrified as a result of the multiple releases of filthy murderers back into our midst; or the Zionist Eden will come to an end the day  the nations march onto our land and take over. But one of those days will come soon. There is a third alternative: another war of the Arab Nations against Israel, backed by the nuclear capability of Pakistan and Iran.

The bottom line, by choosing to fit in with the nations and offering ridiculous apologies to the likes of Erdogan, for sending our soldiers to be attacked by his citizens, our Prime Minister has declared himself a fool. By freeing the murderer of Avi Osher, the Prime Minister has declared himself a narcissist. By freeing terrorist after terrorist in deals for Peace that Never Comes, we have become the Nation of Chelm. In the eyes of our government, it seems, everyone of us is hefker, up for grabs; and should any of us die at the hands of a terrorist, our grave is sure to be spat upon in some future prisoner release.

Instead, we must choose to defend ourselves at all costs and no more allow the government the opportunity to mock the deaths of our relatives, neighbors and friends. It is time for a new system of government that truly represents the Jewish people: a government of innovation, integrity and intelligence; kindness, generosity and courage. The new government must not be established by means of violence, but by strict citizen vigilance to no longer allow crooks and thieves into public office. There are very few peaceful means of accomplishing a coup d'etat, but there are several ways: to starve the system that is working to enslave us:

Close bank accounts to Stop the power of Hotza' la Poal, the collection police
Use marijuana and other natural non-taxed medicines for ailments to Stop the power of Big Pharma
Plant community gardens and orchards, again to Stop the power of Big Pharma
Barter whenever possible to avoid paying taxes.
Ride bikes and walk whenever possible to avoid tracking on your Rav Kav card.
Buy solar panels and dig community wells, to fuel your home to stop paying for the existence of the Palestinian Authority.

It is time to go on strike.